Physiotherapy can help you more than you think
To mark the national month of physiotherapy, we wish to let you know the extent of the scope of practice of our beautiful profession. Consult our various columns to discover surprising expertise in the profession of physiotherapy:
- Our Expertise: Lumbar Pathologies
- Our Expertise: Cervical Pathologies
- Our Expertise: Upper Extermity Pathologies
- Our Expertise: Lower Extermity Pathologies
- Our Expertise: Temporo-Mandibular Joint
- Our Expertise: Pediatrics
- Our Expertise: Vestibular Rehabilitation
- Our Expertise: Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation
- Our Expertise: Running
- Our Expertise: Cyclist Biomechanical Analysis
You will realize that physiotherapy can help you more than you think!
Have a great physiotherapy month!
Call your physiotherapist today!
The articles (in french)
Learn more through articles published by the Professional Order (Ordre professionnel de la physiothérapie)