Fanny Girardin – Dynamik Athlete

Fanny Girardin is a young snowboard cross athlete who grew up in St-Basile-le-Grand. She is 24 years old and currently in the top 3 in Quebec, ranked 14th in Canada and 100th in the World. Her goal this season is to reach Canada’s women’s top 10  and be invited to her first World Cup. In March 2019, she will fly to Siberia to represent Canada at the Universiades, where she will compete against athletes from around the world.

Fanny is now a Physio Dynamik member and will represent the clinic at all her snowboard cross competitions. With her help we have chosen to organize a Bake sale and a Wine & Cheese in order to encourage her. These events will allow her to finance her season, so that she can participate in competitions that will allow her to reach the Canadian top 10  and eventually join Team Canada.

Our fundraising events for Fanny

Taste the ‘Fanny and Dynamik Team Treats”
January 14th to February 14th 2019

The clinic’s employees as well as Fanny and her family will get their hands dirty and offer their best pastries and sweets for the next month! While satisfying your sweet tooth, join our fundraiser and encourage Fanny! Our treats will be on sale at the reception of the clinic; available upon your arrival at the clinic and still waiting for you at your departure!

All sweets will be accompanied by the recipe that served for the preparation. This will allow you to know the ingredients and reproduce them yourself.

All funds raised will allow Fanny to pursue her sporting goals.
Come and enjoy with us!

Meet Fanny: A Saturday night in April
A Saturday night in April! (Date to be determined)

Venez passez une soirée de style 5 à 7 avec l’équipe Dynamik. Rencontrez Fanny, jeune athlète de snowboard cross, partez-lui des ses objectifs sportif ou demandez-lui ses astuces pour déjouer la compétition!

Come and spend an evening with the Dynamik team. Meet Fanny, a young snowboard cross athlete, ask her about her snowboard goals or ask her for tips on how to beat the competition!

Fanny will present us a snowboard movie and you will discover his favorite sport! All this accompanied by some good wine and cheese.

Join us at this event for the benefit of Fanny:

Location: Physio Dynamik
Date: to be determined
Time: 5to7

Not yet available

We are proud to help athletes to persevere towards reaching their dream.

All funds raised will allow Fanny to pursue her sporting goals.

A glimpse of Fanny Girardin in action