Bike Tips: Your Cycling Season

Tips for an injury-free bike season


For cyclists, there are two main types of injuries: traumatic injuries, which can occur after a fall or crash, and non-traumatic injuries. This second type of injury is often due to several factors. Here are some technical tips to enjoy a long and injury-free bike season:

  • Increase your training volume gradually: a modification in intensity, frequency, duration or a change from flat road to hills in your workout must always be gradual in order to allow time for the tissues and joints to adapt to the new demand.
  • At the beginning of the season, begin with short, low intensity outings on a flat surface, increasing progressively one variable at a time.
  • During a one-hour ride, a cyclist can perform around 5400 pedal revolutions! Make sure you have an optimal pedaling technique to avoid discomfort arising from a mechanically inadequate push.


In addition, here are some tips for mechanics and positioning so that your bike is ready to accompany you in all your outings:

  • Have your bike mechanics verified before each season to make sure everything is running smoothly.
  • Have your positioning verified if it has not been done in more than 2 to 3 years. Your body changes over time and you must adjust your bike accordingly, and not the other way around!
  • After making a change to your bike, be sure to be comfortable and maintain your training volume over the next few days before continuing your progress.
  • If you suffer a fall on your bike, or are transporting it (plane, train), make sure there are no deformities in the handlebars, saddle or pedals to maintain optimal positioning and prevent long-term injury as a result of these changes.

If you are already injured before riding: Make sure your symptoms are stable when you ride a bike and keep your outings at a comfortable duration and intensity. If you are unsure of the nature of your injury, contact your physiotherapist for help.


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