5 Tips for the Road

It’s almost the construction holidays! Are you planning on going on vacation?

Whether it is to visit Quebec or for longer trips, a large number of people will be on the road in the upcoming weeks.

Here are some important things to remember to maintain a good posture and enjoy this beautiful time of the year!

  1. Sit at the back of your seat, with your pelvis supported against the chair, keeping a slight arch in your lower back.
  2. Move your seat closer to the steering wheel of your car so that your elbows are always slightly bent.
  3. Make sure to have your feet on the ground, without your knees being higher than your hips.
  4. Alternate driver every hour.
  5. Make small position changes every 15 to 20 minutes (for example: move the trunk, sit up taller).
Remember: Before you hit the road, sit down properly in your seat as mentioned above; then adjust the positioning of your mirrors. Therefore, your vision in the mirrors will tell you if you are maintaining or not your “good posture”!


Enjoy the road!