Glute Bridge: A Super Exercise

The glute bridge is a lower body movement that primarily targets muscles of the hip joint. This movement is highly functional and develops lower body strength and trunk stability, and improves breathing coordination. The glute bridge is a great exercise to include in rehab or generalized programming, and can be easily adapted to suit a variety of levels.  

Due to the variability in anatomical differences, mobility restrictions, and muscle flexibility, this exercise may look different from person to person. This is why it is important to use this resource as a general guide; however, a physiotherapist will be able to ensure the exercise is properly and safely executed.  

How to do the exercise 
  • Starting Position: Lie down on your back with both knees bent, feet positioned close to buttocks and feet spaced hip width apart. Place arms in an outstretched position.
  • Action: Lift hips upwards by contracting buttocks while maintaining neutral low back position. Push heels into the ground and raise hips until in line with knees and shoulders. Lower and return to starting position. 


Common Mistakes to Avoid: 
  • Arching through your low back. If you feel discomfort in your low back, focus on gently contracting your glutes and abdominals before performing the movement (ask your physiotherapist if you need help with this part of the exercise).
  • Knees moving side to side while raising or lowering hips.



Based on your individual goals, the parameters for exercise can vary significantly. The number of sets, repetitions and tempo are among a number of variables that can be modified in order to optimize your programming. Whether you are returning from injury, looking to get stronger, or improving your sport performance, speak to your physiotherapist to establish your training goals. 


Modifications and Progressions
  • Please refer to your physiotherapist if you are unsure of any aspect of the exercise or are unable to successfully perform the exercise 
  • Movement can be performed at different feet spacing 
  • Options to increase difficulty of the exercise: 
    • Perform on a single leg 
    • Perform with feet or legs on an unstable surface (bosu ball, pillow, exercise ball, etc) 
    • Arms crossed over chest.