Road accident or a work accident?

Did you know that at Physio Dynamik we can help you if your condition is caused by a road accident or if it happened at work? Indeed, our physiotherapists have all the necessary qualifications to help you recover as quickly as possible.


The Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ) can cover a certain part of your physiotherapy treatments, whether you were injured:

  • In a car
  • On a bus
  • Riding a bicycle.
  • On a motorcycle
  • On an off-road vehicle
  • In a taxi
  • Driving a heavy vehicle
  • In an emergency vehicle
  • On a farm vehicle
  • In a motor home

If you have private insurance, it will then be possible for you to claim the balance to your insurance company.

Are you familiar with the Quebec amendment form FAQ 34? Most auto insurers include this protection in your car insurance contract. Your insurance FAQ 34 can cover your medical expenses for the difference that is not covered by the SAAQ.


On their end, the Commission on Workplace standards, Fairness, Health and Safety (CNESST) fully covers the cost of physiotherapy if you were injured at your workplace.

As soon as the accident occurs, our administrative team will be able to guide you and answer to your questions. Once the necessary documentation has been completed, it will be our pleasure to take care of you in order to begin your healing process. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information!

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